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The month of Elul

Elul, 6th month of the Hebrew Calendar August 31 – September 28, 2011 (29 days)


The “WHY” and “HOW” of celebrating each Hebrew Month:
• This is one of the primary ways God has for us to grow.
• God’s redemptive plan is written in the heavens (Psalm 19, Psalm 8:1-3) and
the heavens declare it. It’s like His word is in a circuit (Psalm 19:6).
• We need to know and believe the blessings of each month.
• As we declare them, they begin to manifest in our lives.
• Agree and declare the blessings that He has for us: this is one way that we are
to be co-laborers with Christ (2 Corinthians 6:1)

1. The month of the tribe of Gad. When Gad was being born, Leah said, “A troop
comes,” (Genesis 30:11) which indicates increase. Another reference is Genesis
49:19, which has the blessing that Jacob spoke over him: “a troop shall tramp
upon him, but he shall triumph at last,” which indicates that this is also a month of
triumph and victory. There was a pressing and testing the past two months. Now
we are coming into a time of increase. Declare increase over your life.

2. The month to camp or find your place in the order of camps or company of the
Lord. This is often the head of the year (the beginning of Hebrew year often
occurs during this month). Many people miss their “window of opportunity” to find
their place. Therefore, they wander around. Some kind of mistrust came in,
preventing them from connecting. If you don’t deal with mistrust correctly, when
the new window of opportunity opens, you will not connect, and eventually can
end up completely alone. We need other people. This is how we were made.
Mistrust of others is a sign of a root of rejection. It will prevent you from coming
into the fullness and strength that you can get from others. Thus, you can be in
your wilderness by yourself. There will always be wildernesses to go through
periodically. (Jesus demonstrated the wilderness principle–a place of testing that
produces testimony and brings confrontation with the enemy.) However, this is a
warning to be properly connected. If you are isolated, you will get picked off by
the enemy.
If you go through tragedy, this will be a year of grief. Process it using the victory
blessings of each month. Sometimes we must go through the wilderness, but you
can still receive the blessings of each month.
Pray, “Lord, do not let me miss opportunities because of inbuilt mistrust. Deal
with rejection in me. You want me to be abundantly connected and not isolated and alone.”

3. The month of good fortune. Rewards begin to manifest over what you have
done–think “reward.” You will reap what you have sown. If you constantly labor
and never see the reward, you’ll get burned out. You need to know how to
abound. (In Philippians 4:12, Paul said that he knew how to abound.) Begin to
think “abounding” and “abundance.” Start thanking God for his abundance and
looking for more of it.

4. The month that “the King is in the field.” Approach Him and allow His
countenance to shine upon you. You need to learn how to approach Him. There
is an awe of God that we come into so He can pour his presence upon us. Know
that the Lord has come to look at your field, and at your own boundaries. He
wants to bless all you are doing.

5. The month of the Hebrew letter “YOD,” which means “appointed mercy from the
hand of God.”

6. Month of the maiden. “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” (Song of
Solomon 6:3)

7. Month to run into the tower of might–a strength greater than yours that can
encompass you. You don’t have to be strong all the time (see Proverbs 18:10),
but you can enter into His strength.

8. Month for inner knowledge of peace to be activated. Always find time to
“regroup” in order be whole.

9. The “point month.” The understanding of the beginning so you can begin to
reach your end.

10. The month to fix what has been broken. (If He doesn’t tell you it is fixable, let it
disintegrate and die.)

11. The month of complex systems beginning to be managed.

12. The “mother month.” The month of nurturing. This month is “apostolic,” just like
Av. Who are you watching after? Who is watching after you?

13. The month where Rebecca gave birth to Jacob and Esau. Do you “birth”
blessing, or something that God is going to hate later on. Who is contending for

14. The month of the left hand, which controls the sense of action, and good or bad
emotions. You need to be sure your emotions are in good order. In other words,
let your actions come out of good emotions.

