Shevat, the 11th Hebrew Month
(January 25–February 23, Hebrew year 5772)
This is the prayer (or blessing) guide for Shevat, the eleventh month of the Hebrew year. Be blessed as you read, pray through, and declare these blessings for yourself and your family. (The material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures [on CD] given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. —Ron Sawka)

- 1. The month of the tribe of Asher. It’s connected to the ideas of pleasure and good things. In Genesis 49:20, Jacob’s blessing stated Asher would have a life filled both with an abundance of food and delicacies fit for a king. (This is what God wants for you.)
- However, beware of overindulgence (See Proverbs 23:3). Read the book of Daniel—maybe you need to commit to a “Daniel fast.” (He wouldn’t eat the delicacies that the king provided.)
- This is a month to develop a plan to sustain the generations, the ones you mentor. How does your olive tree blossom?
- The month of the Hebrew letter tsade (“tz” sound). Your righteousness becomes your foundation. You connect with the trees in your field. What fields are there—who is planted there? Are the trees ready to bear fruit?
- The month of Aquarius, the water carrier. Your roots awaken to the water of life. The river nourishes the roots. (We are like a tree, planted by a river [Psalm 1:3].)
- Look for those who are bringing pitchers of water to you. Many decisions will be made so you can be watered in a new way. Trust the Lord to bring you people who will minister to you. Study the stories of Rebecca in Genesis 24 (she brought water for Eliezer, which led to her marrying Isaac) and the Samaritan woman in John 4 (who came for well water, but received the water of life).
- This is a month to shout, “My blessings are on the way!” There is a shout inside of you that “my thirst will be quenched” (see John 7:37–39).
- This is a month of the new year of trees. Choose to eat of the tree of life (Gen. 3:22). Note the seventy palm trees at Elim (Exod. 15:27). We are like a green olive tree in house of God (Ps. 52:8); we are the planting of the Lord (Isa. 60:21, 61:3).
- It is a good month to partake of food. You will end your Daniel fast, and God will show you how to eat in a different way. Ask the Lord to help you in how/what you eat.
- The Month of the stomach and the esophagus. In other words, what you eat produces the life or nourishment for your future. If you consume the word of God, then you can digest what God gives you prophetically. Be sure to spend extra reading the Word of God this month.
- Be sure to eat the word. “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8). Then, you will be able to digest new revelation that comes. If we don’t know the goodness of the Lord, we will tend to miss revelation that He wants to give us.