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Hebrew Month of Kislev: Nov. 27-Dec. 26, 2011

Hebrew Month of Kislev: Nov. 27-Dec. 26, 2011
Here are notes for the 9th Hebrew month that will serve as a prayer guide. This guide comes from notes on teachings given by Chuck Pierce in 2007. I am so thankful that the Lord has given us understanding of Rosh Chodesh (the head of the month/First Fruits celebration), which was a vital part of Hebrew worship. I have found that as I am aware of these “ways that God is working and wants to bless us each month,” my faith level just seems to keep increasing. Elsewhere, Chuck Pierce said this will bring us into “overflow” in our lives, and it might take about 3.5 years. I am in my fifth year of following this First Fruits prayer guide, and have definitely found myself in “overflow.”

Ron Sawka

Kislev: Nov 27, 2011-Dec 26, 2011
1.The month of the tribe of Benjamin. He was the only one of the 12 born in the land of Israel, so watch Israel. Things will happen that change its course.
2.A month to develop your warfare strategies; a month to have prophetic revelation for war. You can get prophetic revelation for strategies. Benjamin was the most gifted with the art of the bow (which can represent prophetic strategy). See Genesis 49:27. “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” God wants to give us strategies to defeat the enemy and allow us to prosper.
3.A month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. We need to believe if we tap into God and what He commands (e.g., being thankful in all things), that we can really regroup and overcome many obstacles. For example, if you are feeling financial pressure, make a point of not worrying, but deliberately choose to be thankful instead. Be sure to “be thankful” for all the difficult situations you find yourself in. See 1 Thess. 5:18; Col. 3:17.
4.The month of Hebrew letter “Samekh,”( ס )which looks like a circle. This signifies trust, confidence, support, and coming full circle. We are in season of developing trust and confidence. If these are not developed, you will find yourself going around the “same old cycle” again and again, and will not break into the new. Examine the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Things came full circle for Jacob when he returned to Canaan after working 20 years for Laban; Joseph was reconnected with his family.
5.A month to review your support system. Whom do you support? Who supports you? Who are your friends?
6.The month of the rainbow. You must “war” to have peace. This Biblical concept is very important to recognize. Peace will not just happen; we have to choose to stand in faith, joy, and thanksgiving.
7.The month of a sense of peace and tranquility. You have come through a flood; God doesn’t want you to have go through it again. Warfare is not just battling the chaos around us: we must be on the offensive, seeing the conflict and having peace in the midst of it.
8.The month of dreams. The Lord has been piling up things through the year; now He releases that revelation during the night.
9.You may have to let God heal you of some trauma so you can sleep better. (Some dreams are just God replaying a memory of something. If you experience this, then ask the Lord to heal you of that trauma, and He will). “He gives His beloved sleep” (Psalm 127:2).
10.The month of the belly/womb/abdomen/river of God. There is a correlation between tranquility and fullness, and the ability to understand your next “measure.” The latter rain starts in September (the Feast of Tabernacles); by now it should be a ‘“running river.” Think about the river of God in Ezekiel 47. Revelation is progressive: ankle-deep, knee-deep, then swim deep. God wants to carry us in the river so we don’t just have to be walking.
11.A month to shoot straight and move quickly. Don’t ramble around. Cut your losses and move on through.
12.The month of Sagittarius (the archer). It’s a time to fight against empires and cultures. Watch Israel, America, and any covenant nation. Watch China. Usually something big happens during this month. Watch nations that rise against covenant nations.


