We have a passion for the kingdom of God. We pray for His kingdom to come. We desire for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). His will is already being done in heaven. We have a passion for that change to take place on earth.
God has a plan. It is a plan for a perfect world with perfect people. We can’t have a perfect world if we don’t change people first. The gospel is the power to change people into the image of God (Romans 1:16). The kingdom of God is a perfect world with perfect people. There will not be any pain or death (Revelation 21:4). There will be peace on earth (Luke 2:14), even in the Middle East (Isaiah 2:4), and prosperity as well (Micah 4:4).
God designed His plan before creation (Ephesians 1:9-10). He started the world with a paradise in Eden. Our sin damaged that paradise, but God has not given up on His plan. He knew we would sin and provided a cure for it ahead of time – the atonement. God will restore paradise and increase it. The restored paradise will be better than the first. God’s kingdom always involves restoration; it is the restoration of all good things (Acts 3:21).

Perfect World

All history is moving toward establishing that perfect world – a perfect world with a perfect society. There will be a righteous government. There will be perfect justice: the wicked will be punished and the righteous rewarded. (That is why we repent now while forgiveness is still being offered.)
Every kingdom has a king. The king of God’s kingdom is Yeshua (John 18:36-37, 19:19). Every kingdom has a capital. The capital of God’s kingdom is Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3). The king is the person of God’s authority; the capital is the place of His authority. Jesus is the person; Jerusalem is the place (Psalm 2:5).
All history is moving toward a conflict. The conflict comes from opposition to God’s authority. Before the kingdom of peace will be established on the earth, there will be a time of great tribulation and then a great war (Joel 2:2-3, Jeremiah 30:7). All the nations and powers in opposition to God’s authority will gather to attack the capital city Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2-3; Revelation 19:19). Evil people will attack godly people in every nation.

Apostolic Commission

The book of Acts starts with a declaration of the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3; 6) and ends with a declaration of the kingdom (Acts 28:23; 31). The apostles were passionate about this vision. We want to restore that same passion, the same apostolic commission. What they started we want to finish. Their vision is our vision. We desire to renew, restore and complete the original apostolic commission.
Theirs was a movement to change the world, to influence society, to bring revival, to unite the church, to restore Israel, to prepare God’s people for the end times and for Yeshua’s return. The message was taught repeatedly by the apostles in the first century community of faith (Acts 2:42). People were so excited by this world changing message that they sold everything and laid the money at the apostles’ feet (Acts 4:37).
Let’s receive the same passion and fire for the kingdom of God and change the world together (Acts 1:8).