Blessings for the Hebrew Month of Tammuz
by Ron Sawka
1. A month to see and establish the brilliance of your righteousness. Lots of negative things occur during this month. So, we need to counteract it through praise and declaration. See Isaiah 58:8, Psalm. 112:4, and Daniel 12:3.
2. The month of the tribe of Reuben. He lost his inheritance as firstborn. Reuben is an example of someone with great potential—but because he did not deal with basic issues, he did not excel. Ask the Lord to help you deal with issues that are holding you back. Genesis 49:3–4 describes Reuben: beginning of power; excellence and dignity; unstable as water.
3. We can shine (be brilliant through worship), or we may develop a golden calf. Idolatry can “kick up” during this month. Ask the Lord to take your worship to a new level. Note that Moses’ face glowed after being with the Lord. Also notice that people worshiped the calf (Exod. 32:1). They couldn’t accept delay.
4. A month to either accept your calling or speak an evil report of who you are. We have a choice of which it will be. People fall into negativity because do not know how to speak out who they are and what they are about. You must like yourself; if you don’t, then is something about the Lord you don’t like. Look at past prophecies of who you are and declare them during this month. They will be like seeds you sow which will bring a great harvest in September (Feast of Tabernacles).

6. The “filmstrip” month. You can watch your life progress. Therefore, stop and make any necessary adjustments. Ask the Lord to show you how you might end up if you are not careful to walk with Him.
7. This month is linked with the constellation of the crab. Our shell must be removed so we are vulnerable. If you do not allow yourself to be vulnerable, we will become hardened, and cannot enter into next level of growth. Ask the Lord to remove any hardness or shell from you.
8. A month to guard your heart—what you feel and think, as well as your eyes—what you allow yourself to see. Deuteronomy 11:26 states “Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse.” See also Deuteronomy 30:15, “I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.”
9. The month of the right hand—the aligning covenant. See Song of Solomon 5:2–12. Remember your covenants—the right hand has to do with relationships and covenants. Affirm the relationships you are to keep. Let God lead and align you with new relationships.