(February 24–March 23, 2012,Hebrew Year 5772)
This is a description of the Lord’s blessings for Adar, the twelfth Hebrew month. In Hebrew times, these blessings were released by the priests during the “head-of-the-month celebrations,” which were called “Rosh Chodesh.” This was also time to bring first fruit offerings. Emperor Constantine outlawed these monthly celebrations, along with the three major feats (Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles), as part of an attempt to divorce the church from its Jewish roots. His doing so may have been the single greatest factor in the rapid decline of the Early Church. As the Lord is restoring the Church today, we find that He is reconnecting us to these Hebrew roots.
(The material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures [on CD] given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. —Ron Sawka)
(The material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures [on CD] given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. —Ron Sawka)

2.The month of eloquent communication and expressions of joy and laughter. See Genesis 49:21, “Naphtali is a deer let loose; he uses beautiful words.” We need to be in “celebration mode.” We need to celebrate the end of cycles. Declare that God has brought you out of the old and into a time of great favor.

3.The month of Pisces, the fishes. Finding your supply in the “hidden” world (e.g., the gold coin in fish’s mouth). There is an identity for you in the invisible world. Don’t always be practical (having a desire to conform and be accepted). No, we must find our spiritual identity.
4.Your true identity should begin to be reflected this month, spiritually as well as physically. God has established cycles to help us come into our identity—the spiritual will be reflected in the physical.

6.A month to overturn worry and anxiety, including worry about your supply. If you get rid of anxiety, then you can see your supply. If you are ruled by worry, you will not be able to see the provision God has for you (See Phil. 4:6–7).
7. The month of laughter, abounding joy, the witnessing of life entering into darkness, the advantage of light over darkness, the power of barrenness being broken. No matter what the darkness is, LAUGH and watch God permeate it. Light permeates darkness when we see this, and barrenness will break. Begin to laugh at fear (Ps. 34:4–6).
8.The month of the spleen. Pull out any roots of depression and despair so faith can break through into our thought processes.
9. The month that Moses was born. Thus, it means that your deliverance is forming. See deliverance is already forming for you. Take a look at whatever is holding you captive and declare God’s truth. Declare that He is already forming deliverance and freedom for you and that it is on the way! (Exod. 2:10).
10. A month to develop your war strategy against the anti-Christ spirit. Don’t let the giants produce fear in you; guard against idolatry. Amalek will try to come. Don’t end the year in fear. I like Exodus 17:8–16. When Moses’ hands were raised, Israel had victory; when his hands were lowered, the Israelites began to be defeated. For us this means we can keep our “hands raised” by staying in faith and joy. This will keep us in the victory of the Lord.

12.It’s a time for leadership to awaken—Next month they go to war.